Drunk driving arrests occur on Iowa roads far too frequently. Sometimes a driver feels sober enough to drive, but their blood alcohol content is above the legal limit. Regardless of why someone chooses to drink and drive, accident statistics show the decision could...
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Year: 2022
The slippery slope known as accounting fraud
Accounting fraud is a deliberate and willful misleading of financial records in an effort to deceive the public about a company's financial well-being. Sometimes, employees are involved in the falsification and cover-up of fiscal impropriety designed to dupe the...
Bitemark evidence concerns
Bitemark evidence may play a prominent role in prosecuting a violent crime. Supposedly, experts can match the bitemarks on a victim to a defendant's teeth. Convictions based on bitemark evidence are possible in an Iowa criminal court. What worries many justice...
Maximum sentences for Iowa felonies
Iowa has set maximum sentences for felonies committed in the state. The maximum sentence for a felony, class 'A' in Iowa, is life. Class A punishment also requires no possibility of parole. The governor may only commute this sentence. Maximum sentences for felonies in...
How stereotypes go from hurtful to lethal
Stereotypes and generalizations based on things like race or gender aren't just philosophically wrong. There are real impacts for people in Iowa, and the consequences couldn't be more real for the first female of Hispanic heritage in Texas to be sentenced to death. On...
Criminal penalties for cocaine sales in Iowa
Iowa state law treats the sale of cocaine harshly. The federal classification of cocaine is a Schedule I narcotic, and the penalties for selling cocaine vary according to the amount of cocaine you possess. Consequences of possession can range from jail time, fines and...
Understanding money laundering
Money laundering in Iowa is any of a number of techniques that hide the source of money, usually to conceal the fact that the money was acquired through criminal activity. Money laundering itself is a crime, and it is often charged alongside other crimes. What money...
DUI convictions could greatly affect your career in Iowa
Iowa strongly prohibits driving while intoxicated. If convicted, you could pay hefty fines, serve jail time or have your driving license suspended. Apart from that, having a DUI on your record could also greatly impact your life in general, especially when it comes to...
Drug possession defense strategies
An arrest for drug possession could lead to legal troubles that last a lifetime. Someone caught with a small amount of cocaine might not receive a harsh punishment, but the person might deal with a permanent criminal record in the aftermath. However, those caught with...
What you need to know about money laundering in Iowa
Money laundering is a crime that often conjures up thoughts of the Mafia. However, any Iowa resident can face these types of charges. Understanding money laundering Money laundering is a crime that is committed through illegal activity with the purpose of gaining...