Two men were taken into custody in Iowa on drug-related charges on Jan. 19. Initially, police attempted a traffic stop after receiving a report about reckless driving on Interstate 80. Police located the minivan, but the 20-year-old driver would not stop.
The police pursued the minivan, and it crashed into another vehicle at the Interstate 380 on-ramp. According to police, both the driver and his passenger, a 22-year-old man, then ran away. Police allegedly found the driver hiding in an industrial park. They also say they found the passenger hiding under shrubbery near a parked car. Reportedly, the man was covered in mud but said he had not been in the van.
Near the van, police say they found a black duffel bag containing the driver’s clothing and about a pound of marijuana. Both men were taken into custody. The driver was charged with eluding, and both men were charged with interference with official acts, a drug tax stamp violation and a controlled substance violation, a mix of misdemeanors and felonies.
A person who is charged with marijuana violations might want to talk to an attorney. These charges can be serious and might have consequences beyond legal ones, including affecting a person’s job and access to some types of financial aid. Strategies for dealing with charges relating to marijuana could include pleading not guilty and going to trial, seeking to have the charges dropped or accepting a plea bargain. A person who feels the evidence is not strong might want to go to trial. If the person’s rights were violated at any point, it could be possible to have some evidence dismissed or the case thrown out. A plea bargain could result in a lighter sentence.
Source: The Gazette, “Iowa City police find pound of marijuana after chase“, Lee Hermiston, Jan. 22, 2018