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Actress Rose McGowan denies she had cocaine on flight

On Behalf of | Nov 29, 2017 | Drug Charges |

Fans in Iowa of actress Rose McGowan might agree with her not guilty plea after learning about the mysterious circumstances that led to charges of cocaine possession. An arrest warrant sought by an airport authority emerged after she allegedly left personal belongings on a United Airlines flight that included two baggies with traces of cocaine.

The actress and her attorney have issued a statement claiming that McGowan reported her bag and wallet missing to the airline. She also completed a lost luggage claim. The day after her flight, she said that an unfamiliar Instagram user sent her a message informing her that she had left her wallet and two bags of cocaine on the airplane.

McGowan has expressed her belief that the criminal charges represent a conspiracy to silence her. She has accused producer Harvey Weinstein of raping her. When an airline detective contacted McGowan and said that she could pick up her wallet, she said that she had doubts about the person’s identity. An anonymous source from the Weinstein Company told a journalist that Weinstein had hired private investigators to promote the arrest of the actress.

Questions and doubts about the validity of evidence might help a person avoid a conviction on drug charges. With legal representation, a person might develop a criminal defense strategy that undermines claims made by law enforcement. An attorney could provide advice that protects a person’s rights when answering questions in court. Challenges from an attorney might convince a prosecutor to drop charges or reduce them. By casting doubt on evidence during a trial or negotiating a plea deal, an attorney could limit the chances of a felony conviction.

Source: CNN, “Rose McGowan pleads not guilty to drug possession“, Lisa France, Nov. 16, 2017



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